1 Palermo (Italy)
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 40103, GUECI, Riccardo, ITA, 3.5, 179, 726 +40291, Intravaia, Salvatore, ITA, 3, 165, - 40258, BOSCO, Marco, ITA, 2.5, 163, - +40292, Giaconia, Giorgio, ITA, 2.5, 141, - +40293, Megna, Bart, ITA, 2, 110, - +40294, Merendino, Elda, ITA, 1.5, 107, - +40295, Corso, Sergio, ITA, 1, 104, - +40296, Vivarelli, Jacopo, ITA, 0, 55, -
List of players
- BOSCO Marco (Italy)
- CORSO Sergio (Italy)
- GIACONIA Giorgio (Italy)
- GUECI Riccardo (Italy)
- INTRAVAIA Salvatore (Italy)
- MEGNA Bart (Italy)
- MERENDINO Elda (Italy)
- VIVARELLI Jacopo (Italy)
8 players
Here are all results.
2025-02-22: 1 Palermo(Italy)GUECI Riccardo | 51-13 | INTRAVAIA Salvatore |
BOSCO Marco | 47-17 | MEGNA Bart |
MERENDINO Elda | 64-00 | CORSO Sergio |
VIVARELLI Jacopo | 12-52 | GIACONIA Giorgio |
INTRAVAIA Salvatore | 58-06 | VIVARELLI Jacopo |
CORSO Sergio | 30-34 | MEGNA Bart |
BOSCO Marco | 32-32 | GUECI Riccardo |
GIACONIA Giorgio | 32-32 | MERENDINO Elda |
VIVARELLI Jacopo | 21-43 | CORSO Sergio |
MEGNA Bart | 11-53 | INTRAVAIA Salvatore |
MERENDINO Elda | 03-61 | BOSCO Marco |
GUECI Riccardo | 40-24 | GIACONIA Giorgio |
INTRAVAIA Salvatore | 41-23 | BOSCO Marco |
GUECI Riccardo | 56-08 | MERENDINO Elda |
CORSO Sergio | 31-33 | GIACONIA Giorgio |
MEGNA Bart | 48-16 | VIVARELLI Jacopo |