Nouvel An Grenoble (France)
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 50030, JUIGNER, Arthur, CHE, 5, 223, 2209 50067, JUIGNER, Felix, CHE, 4, 186, 1640 3515, BUTIN, Pierre, FRA, 3, 177, 1935 839, KASHIWABARA, Takuji, FRA, 3, 167, 2092 + 50128, Saliou, Renaud, FRA, 2, 146, 0 + 50129, Lavoisy, Olivier, FRA, 1.5, 143, 0 + 50130, Lavoisy, Samuel, FRA, 1, 126, 0 + 50132, Lavoisy, Cecile, FRA, 0.5, 112, 0
List of players
- BUTIN Pierre (France)
- JUIGNER Arthur (Switzerland)
- JUIGNER Felix (Switzerland)
- KASHIWABARA Takuji (France)
- LAVOISY Cecile (France)
- LAVOISY Samuel (France)
- LAVOISY Olivier (France)
- SALIOU Renaud (France)
8 players
Here are all results.
2025-01-04: Nouvel An Grenoble(France)KASHIWABARA Takuji | 44-20 | LAVOISY Samuel |
JUIGNER Arthur | 39-25 | LAVOISY Olivier |
SALIOU Renaud | 11-53 | BUTIN Pierre |
JUIGNER Felix | 35-29 | LAVOISY Cecile |
KASHIWABARA Takuji | 26-38 | JUIGNER Felix |
LAVOISY Samuel | 32-32 | LAVOISY Cecile |
BUTIN Pierre | 16-48 | JUIGNER Arthur |
LAVOISY Olivier | 11-53 | SALIOU Renaud |
JUIGNER Arthur | 48-16 | JUIGNER Felix |
LAVOISY Samuel | 16-48 | BUTIN Pierre |
SALIOU Renaud | 26-38 | KASHIWABARA Takuji |
LAVOISY Cecile | 18-46 | LAVOISY Olivier |
LAVOISY Cecile | 24-40 | SALIOU Renaud |
JUIGNER Felix | 59-05 | BUTIN Pierre |
LAVOISY Olivier | 32-32 | LAVOISY Samuel |
KASHIWABARA Takuji | 24-40 | JUIGNER Arthur |
LAVOISY Olivier | 29-35 | KASHIWABARA Takuji |
LAVOISY Samuel | 26-38 | JUIGNER Felix |
JUIGNER Arthur | 48-16 | SALIOU Renaud |
BUTIN Pierre | 55-09 | LAVOISY Cecile |