
German Championships (Germany)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

      96, VALLUND, Henrik, DEU,  9, 419, 1848
    5301, BERG, Matthias, DEU,  8, 448, 2150
   70003, BEYER, Guenther, DEU,  5, 293, 1637
    5324, MURAWSKI, Stefan, DEU,  4, 268, 1436
   70017, CZYMARA, Andreas, DEU,  4, 252, 1353


Here are all results.

2019-11-30: German Championships(Germany)
CZYMARA Andreas04-60BERG Matthias
BEYER Guenther46-18MURAWSKI Stefan
VALLUND Henrik57-07BEYER Guenther
MURAWSKI Stefan33-31CZYMARA Andreas
BERG Matthias47-17MURAWSKI Stefan
CZYMARA Andreas14-50VALLUND Henrik
BEYER Guenther62-02CZYMARA Andreas
VALLUND Henrik43-21BERG Matthias
MURAWSKI Stefan04-60VALLUND Henrik
BERG Matthias61-03BEYER Guenther
BERG Matthias51-13CZYMARA Andreas
MURAWSKI Stefan28-36BEYER Guenther
BEYER Guenther29-35VALLUND Henrik
CZYMARA Andreas38-26MURAWSKI Stefan
MURAWSKI Stefan20-44BERG Matthias
VALLUND Henrik37-27CZYMARA Andreas
CZYMARA Andreas43-21BEYER Guenther
BERG Matthias29-35VALLUND Henrik
VALLUND Henrik22-42MURAWSKI Stefan
BEYER Guenther09-55BERG Matthias