
Silvia Petric Memorial - US National Championship (USA)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

   14065, TAMAKI, Tomoyasu, JPN,  6, 264, 1951
    6422, PLATT, Jared, USA,  4, 232, 1955
     177, ROSE, Brian, USA,  4, 228, 2129
   20023, ROSE, Joseph, USA,  3, 223, 1974
    4004, SANO, Yoko, JPN,  3, 217, 1866
   20024, ROSE, Julia, USA,  3, 179, 1465
   14201, NAMAZU, Yuki, JPN,  3, 172, 1529
   20000, PETRIC, Vlad, USA,  2, 140, 1660
 + 20041, NG, Daniel, USA,  1, 83, 0
   20039, UNFRIED, Joseph, USA,  1, 70, 0
   14202, NAMAZU, Misa, JPN,  0, 112, 865


Here are all results.

2019-02-12: Silvia Petric Memorial - US National Championship(USA)
PLATT Jared62-02NG Daniel
ROSE Joseph47-17SANO Yoko
PETRIC Vlad07-57TAMAKI Tomoyasu
NAMAZU Yuki48-16ROSE Julia
NAMAZU Misa06-58ROSE Brian
ROSE Brian52-12NAMAZU Yuki
ROSE Julia11-53PLATT Jared
TAMAKI Tomoyasu36-28ROSE Joseph
SANO Yoko37-27PETRIC Vlad
NG Daniel33-31NAMAZU Misa
PLATT Jared20-44TAMAKI Tomoyasu
NAMAZU Misa19-45ROSE Julia
PETRIC Vlad59-05NG Daniel
NAMAZU Yuki07-57SANO Yoko
ROSE Joseph25-39ROSE Brian
NG Daniel15-49NAMAZU Yuki
SANO Yoko47-17PLATT Jared
UNFRIED Joseph40-24NAMAZU Misa
ROSE Julia20-44ROSE Joseph
TAMAKI Tomoyasu36-28ROSE Brian
NAMAZU Yuki47-17UNFRIED Joseph
ROSE Brian18-46PLATT Jared
ROSE Julia36-28NG Daniel
TAMAKI Tomoyasu36-28SANO Yoko
NAMAZU Misa15-49ROSE Joseph
SANO Yoko31-33ROSE Brian
UNFRIED Joseph13-51ROSE Julia
NAMAZU Yuki09-55TAMAKI Tomoyasu
PLATT Jared34-30ROSE Joseph