
3st myeongin (Korea)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

    7581, KIM, Kwanyoon, KOR,  7, 297, 1697
   30102, SOHR, Jaeyoung, KOR,  6, 291, 1843
    4161, SEO, Youjoon, KOR,  5, 271, 1803
    7568, LEE, Chun Ae, KOR,  4, 259, 1829
    7573, HA, Seungsup, KOR,  4, 257, 1548
   30300, CHO, Wonyong, KOR,  4, 245, 1453
   30043, NAM, Sungwoo, KOR,  3, 244, 1477
   35084, KIM, Dongil, KOR,  3, 176, 1287
   30403, PARK, Jonghyun, KOR,  2, 167, 1344
   35086, KIM, Donghyeon, KOR,  2, 160, 1029
   35088, KIM, Donggyu, KOR,  1, 205, 1343
   30024, KIM, Gyejin, KOR,  1, 116, 641


Here are all results.

2017-06-18: 3st myeongin(Korea)
SOHR Jaeyoung52-12KIM Gyejin
KIM Donggyu19-45LEE Chunae
PARK Jonghyun16-48NAM Sungwoo
SEO Youjoon29-35KIM Kwanyoon
KIM Donghyeon25-39KIM Dongil
CHO Wonyong30-34HA Seungsup
KIM Dongil33-31NAM Sungwoo
PARK Jonghyun03-61KIM Donggyu
KIM Gyejin07-57SEO Youjoon
CHO Wonyong54-10KIM Donghyeon
LEE Chunae19-45SOHR Jaeyoung
HA Seungsup30-34KIM Kwanyoon
KIM Donghyeon44-20KIM Gyejin
SEO Youjoon49-15PARK Jonghyun
KIM Donggyu16-48HA Seungsup
KIM Kwanyoon44-20KIM Dongil
SOHR Jaeyoung41-23CHO Wonyong
NAM Sungwoo13-51LEE Chunae
KIM Kwanyoon48-16SOHR Jaeyoung
CHO Wonyong48-16KIM Donggyu
KIM Dongil23-41SEO Youjoon
NAM Sungwoo48-16KIM Donghyeon
KIM Gyejin12-52PARK Jonghyun
LEE Chunae44-20HA Seungsup
PARK Jonghyun37-27KIM Donghyeon
KIM Donggyu31-33KIM Gyejin
NAM Sungwoo30-34CHO Wonyong
HA Seungsup48-16KIM Dongil
SEO Youjoon28-36SOHR Jaeyoung
LEE Chunae26-38KIM Kwanyoon
SEO Youjoon34-30LEE Chunae
KIM Dongil36-28PARK Jonghyun
SOHR Jaeyoung46-18HA Seungsup
KIM Gyejin12-52NAM Sungwoo
KIM Kwanyoon56-08CHO Wonyong
KIM Donghyeon33-31KIM Donggyu
NAM Sungwoo22-42KIM Kwanyoon
KIM Donggyu31-33SEO Youjoon
SOHR Jaeyoung55-09KIM Dongil
HA Seungsup59-05KIM Donghyeon
CHO Wonyong48-16PARK Jonghyun
LEE Chunae44-20KIM Gyejin