
Tournoi C - Montbard 2015 (France)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

    3801, AVY, Bernadette, FRA,  5, 214, 1020
    3791, AVY, Jean-Pierre, FRA,  4, 229, 1410
   50028, BRUIANT, Jacky, FRA,  3, 200, 1466
    3766, DELGADO, Marie-Louise, FRA,  3, 153, 813
   50053, TASTET, Remi, FRA,  2, 143, 0
    3790, CAPLET, Alain, FRA,  2, 107, 807
   50074, MOLLET, Thierry, FRA,  1, 114, 0


Here are all results.

2015-05-23: Tournoi C - Montbard 2015(France)
BRUIANT Jacky43-21DELGADO Marie-Louise
CAPLET Alain03-61AVY Jean-Pierre
AVY Bernadette55-09MOLLET Thierry
AVY Jean-Pierre34-30BRUIANT Jacky
MOLLET Thierry17-47CAPLET Alain
TASTET Remi31-33AVY Bernadette
AVY Bernadette38-26AVY Jean-Pierre
DELGADO Marie-Louise43-21TASTET Remi
BRUIANT Jacky59-05CAPLET Alain
TASTET Remi43-21MOLLET Thierry
BRUIANT Jacky28-36AVY Bernadette
AVY Jean-Pierre52-12DELGADO Marie-Louise
AVY Jean-Pierre56-08TASTET Remi
CAPLET Alain12-52AVY Bernadette
MOLLET Thierry27-37DELGADO Marie-Louise