8th Antwerpen Othello Open B (Belgium)
Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.
ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break 270004, VAN DAMME, Jan, BEL, 5, 252, 1265 270012, VAN DAMME, Frank Ivo, BEL, 4, 214, 816 270013, VAN DEN BRANDT, Joke, BEL, 3, 174, 897 +270021, VAN DER VEKEN, LIEVE, B, 2, 132, 0 +270020, VAN PEER, VINCENT, B, 1, 113, 0 +270019, DONCKERS, STEPHANIE, B, 0, 75, 0
List of players
- DONCKERS Stephanie (Belgium)
- VAN DAMME Frank Ivo (Belgium)
- VAN DAMME Jan (Belgium)
- VAN DEN BRANDT Joke (Belgium)
- VAN DER VEKEN Lieve (Belgium)
- VAN PEER Vincent (Belgium)
6 players
Here are all results.
2013-05-19: 8th Antwerpen Othello Open B(Belgium)DONCKERS Stephanie | 22-42 | VAN DAMME Frank Ivo |
VAN DAMME Jan | 52-12 | VAN PEER Vincent |
VAN DER VEKEN Lieve | 15-49 | VAN DEN BRANDT Joke |
VAN PEER Vincent | 53-11 | DONCKERS Stephanie |
VAN DAMME Frank Ivo | 51-13 | VAN DER VEKEN Lieve |
VAN DEN BRANDT Joke | 12-52 | VAN DAMME Jan |
DONCKERS Stephanie | 26-38 | VAN DER VEKEN Lieve |
VAN PEER Vincent | 30-34 | VAN DEN BRANDT Joke |
VAN DAMME Jan | 52-12 | VAN DAMME Frank Ivo |
VAN DEN BRANDT Joke | 60-04 | DONCKERS Stephanie |
VAN DER VEKEN Lieve | 20-44 | VAN DAMME Jan |
VAN DAMME Frank Ivo | 64-00 | VAN PEER Vincent |
DONCKERS Stephanie | 12-52 | VAN DAMME Jan |
VAN DEN BRANDT Joke | 19-45 | VAN DAMME Frank Ivo |
VAN PEER Vincent | 18-46 | VAN DER VEKEN Lieve |