
Australian Nationals 2009 (Australia)

Here is the registered standings after the swiss-system or the round-robin.
This list may not take into account playoffs, semi-finals, finals, bye or withdrawn games...
Due to number changes, the names may not be correct in the list below.

      ID, Name, First name, Points, tie-break

    4108, CAIRNS, Nathan, AUS, 2, 156
    4145, CAIRNS, Phil, AUS, 2, 165
  260004, DIXON, Nicole, AUS, 1, 71
    4111, DUFFY, Norm, AUS, 2, 122
 +260006, DUFFY, Bernadette, AUS, 2, 147 
    4107, HUGHES, Scott, AUS, 5, 216
    4113, VINAR, Matt, AUS, 3, 230
 +260007, YANAGI, Michiko, AUS, 3, 173


Here are all results.

2009-09-19: Australian Nationals 2009(Australia)
DUFFY Bernadette39-25CAIRNS Nathan
CAIRNS Phil14-50HUGHES Scott
VINAR Matt64-00VINAR Nicole
DUFFY Norm35-29YANAGI Michiko
HUGHES Scott42-22DUFFY Norm
VINAR Matt58-06DUFFY Bernadette
CAIRNS Nathan45-19VINAR Nicole
YANAGI Michiko46-18CAIRNS Phil
HUGHES Scott45-19VINAR Matt
DUFFY Norm36-28CAIRNS Nathan
DUFFY Bernadette21-43YANAGI Michiko
VINAR Nicole02-62CAIRNS Phil
YANAGI Michiko21-43HUGHES Scott
VINAR Matt59-05DUFFY Norm
CAIRNS Phil31-33CAIRNS Nathan
VINAR Nicole11-53DUFFY Bernadette
DUFFY Bernadette28-36HUGHES Scott
CAIRNS Phil40-24DUFFY Norm
YANAGI Michiko34-30VINAR Matt
CAIRNS Nathan25-39VINAR Nicole
HUGHES Scott30-34VINAR Matt