46th Dutch Othello Open (Netherlands)
No standings were registered for this tournament.
List of players
- AUBROECK Patrick (Netherlands)
- DE GRAAF Jan C. (Netherlands)
- DE GRAAF Corrie (Netherlands)
- FRANSEN Martin (Netherlands)
- HELMES Jiska (Netherlands)
- HELMES Sido (Netherlands)
- HOBO Roel (Netherlands)
- HOETJES Tim (Netherlands)
- KORTENDIJK Albert (Netherlands)
- KORTENDIJK Bauke (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Jan (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Melvin (Netherlands)
- LUBBERS Lammie (Netherlands)
- ORTIZ George (Australia)
- PRASEPTYO Linda (Netherlands)
- VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky (Netherlands)
- VAN DIJK Marieke (Netherlands)
17 players
Here are all results.
2009-02-01: 46th Dutch Othello Open(Netherlands)HELMES Jiska | lost to | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
HELMES Sido | won against | HOBO Roel |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | ORTIZ George |
HOETJES Tim | won against | DE GRAAF Corrie |
FRANSEN Martin | won against | VAN DIJK Marieke |
KORTENDIJK Bauke | lost to | KORTENDIJK Albert |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | LUBBERS Lammie |
PRASEPTYO Linda | won against | LUBBERS Melvin |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | 32-32 | HELMES Sido |
LUBBERS Lammie | lost to | HOETJES Tim |
AUBROECK Patrick | won against | PRASEPTYO Linda |
KORTENDIJK Albert | lost to | FRANSEN Martin |
ORTIZ George | won against | HELMES Jiska |
VAN DIJK Marieke | won against | LUBBERS Jan |
LUBBERS Melvin | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
DE GRAAF Corrie | won against | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | AUBROECK Patrick |
HOETJES Tim | won against | FRANSEN Martin |
PRASEPTYO Linda | won against | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
HELMES Sido | lost to | VAN DIJK Marieke |
HOBO Roel | 32-32 | ORTIZ George |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | DE GRAAF Corrie |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | LUBBERS Lammie |
KORTENDIJK Bauke | lost to | LUBBERS Melvin |
HOETJES Tim | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
FRANSEN Martin | won against | PRASEPTYO Linda |
DE GRAAF Corrie | lost to | AUBROECK Patrick |
ORTIZ George | lost to | HELMES Sido |
VAN DIJK Marieke | won against | KORTENDIJK Albert |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | won against | HOBO Roel |
LUBBERS Melvin | lost to | HELMES Jiska |
LUBBERS Lammie | won against | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | FRANSEN Martin |
AUBROECK Patrick | won against | VAN DIJK Marieke |
HELMES Sido | lost to | HOETJES Tim |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
HELMES Jiska | lost to | LUBBERS Lammie |
HOBO Roel | won against | DE GRAAF Corrie |
PRASEPTYO Linda | lost to | ORTIZ George |
LUBBERS Melvin | won against | LUBBERS Jan |
AUBROECK Patrick | won against | HOETJES Tim |
VAN DIJK Marieke | lost to | VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky |
LUBBERS Lammie | lost to | FRANSEN Martin |
HOBO Roel | won against | KORTENDIJK Albert |
DE GRAAF Jan C. | won against | ORTIZ George |
DE GRAAF Corrie | lost to | PRASEPTYO Linda |
HELMES Jiska | lost to | HELMES Sido |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
FRANSEN Martin | won against | AUBROECK Patrick |
HOETJES Tim | lost to | HOBO Roel |
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nicky | won against | DE GRAAF Jan C. |
PRASEPTYO Linda | won against | VAN DIJK Marieke |
HELMES Sido | won against | LUBBERS Lammie |
ORTIZ George | won against | KORTENDIJK Bauke |
KORTENDIJK Albert | won against | LUBBERS Melvin |
LUBBERS Jan | lost to | HELMES Jiska |