GEORGES Claude (France)
4 tournaments
32 results
Player ID: 691
32 results
Player ID: 691
1995-11-04: Selection de Strasbourg(France)
1995-05-13: Tournoi B de Strasbourg(France)
GEORGES Claude | won against | SCHERNO Dominique |
GEORGES Claude | won against | LANUIT Christophe |
MOREL Gerard | lost to | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | BOURRACHOT Alexandre |
MOREL Frederic | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | won against | BOUVERESSE Angelique |
MOREL Gerard | lost to | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | won against | MASSIRE Christian |
LANUIT Christophe | 32-32 | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | won against | SCHERNO Dominique |
1994-03-12 → 1994-03-13: Prequalificatif de Strasbourg(France)
1994-02-12 → 1994-02-13: EGP Cambridge(Great-Britain)
GEORGES Claude | won against | BILLIEN Magali |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | PENLOUP Dominique |
BOURRACHOT Alexandre | won against | GEORGES Claude |
ANDRIANI Bintsa | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | won against | ROBIN Francois |
TRICOTTET Matthieu | lost to | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | CAGLEY Leslie |
NICOLET Stephane | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | MASSIRE Christian |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | SCHMITTBUHL Arnaud |
PATROIS Nicolas | lost to | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | won against | MARSON Phil |
TASTET Marc | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | SHAMAN David |
COLL Pablo | won against | GEORGES Claude |
ARNOLD Roy | lost to | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | NICOLET Stephane |
GEORGES Claude | won against | ALARD Serge |
DE GREY Aubrey | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | LAZARD Emmanuel |
SELBY Matthew | won against | GEORGES Claude |
GEORGES Claude | lost to | FEINSTEIN Joel |