
YE Liya (China)

22 tournaments
218 results
Player ID: 5322

Liya Ye is the 2008 Women's World Othello Champion and the first winner of the title not from Japan.

Liya represented her native country China at her first 3 WOC appearances (in 2003, 2004 and 2006) but was representing Germany (where she was studying for several years) when she won the women's world title at the 2008 WOC in Oslo.  Liya won the 2008 WOC women's final against the 2007 women's world champion Yukiko Tatsumi-Iijima.


Women's World Othello Champion 2008, Oslo, Norway

Bronze_50.png German Championships 2006
2010-04-172010-04-18: EGP Koedijk(Netherlands)
ZILLIG Remkowon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toAUBROECK Patrick
STERRENBURG Raymondwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toKROESE Emiel
CUPIAL Miloszwon againstYE Liya
SNEEK Marcellost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstROSSLER Daniel
ORTIZ Georgewon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstDE GRAAF Corrie
YE Liyalost toVAES Dimitri
YE Liyalost toSCHOTTE Tom
2009-10-10: Deutsche Meisterschaft 2009(Germany)
YE Liya09-55BERG Matthias
BLUM Gerhard20-44YE Liya
OFFERZIER Beate03-61YE Liya
YE Liya16-48HOEHNE Andreas
YE Liya35-29ROSSLER Daniel
SCHMIDT Sebastian42-22YE Liya
IGLESIAS Astrid05-59YE Liya
YE Liya36-28MEIBOM Arne
YE Liya51-13HALTER Anya
BEYER Guenther18-46YE Liya
YE Liya16-48HOEHNE Andreas
YE Liya00-64HOEHNE Andreas
2009-06-062009-06-07: EGP Koeln(Germany)
YE Liya34-30ROSSLER Daniel
GAERTNER Joerg23-41YE Liya
YE Liya25-39SCHMIDT Sebastian
OFFERZIER Beate10-54YE Liya
YE Liya17-47DE GRAAF Jan C.
KRACZYK Roman50-14YE Liya
YE Liya32-32BEYER Guenther
YE Liya29-35ELGER Marlis
2009-04-26: 5th Zonhoven Othello Open(Belgium)
DE BOER Akke-Lien19-45YE Liya
YE Liya21-43REUNES Nick
HELMES Jiska33-31YE Liya
YE Liya64-00DE GRAAF Corrie
VAES Dimitri38-26YE Liya
BLUM Gerhard20-44YE Liya
2009-04-042009-04-05: EGP Alkmaar(Netherlands)
VAES Dimitrilost toYE Liya
YE Liya32-32SZYSZKO Lukasz
ZILLIG Remkowon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstHOETJES Tim
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nickywon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstHELMES Jiska
VAN DEN BERG Erwinwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toREUNES Nick
DE GRAAF Jan C.lost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstKORTENDIJK Albert
YE Liyawon againstFRANSEN Martin
YE Liyawon againstPEPERKAMP Marcel
ZILLIG Remkowon againstYE Liya
2008-11-202008-11-22: WOC 2008 (Oslo)(World)
YE Liya46-18SCHORETITS Markus
BARRE Sebastien31-33YE Liya
YE Liya11-53HAND David
HAUGLAND Jan Kristian32-32YE Liya
YE Liya34-30ASPENRYD Henry
MIYAOKA Tamaki54-10YE Liya
SPERANDIO Roberto48-16YE Liya
FANG Randy25-39YE Liya
YE Liya18-46TAKIZAWA Masaki
BUTIN Pierre36-28YE Liya
STENBERG Veronica26-38YE Liya
2008-09-062008-09-07: Deutsche Meisterschaft 2008(Germany)
YE Liya46-18GAERTNER Joerg
MURAWSKI Stefan14-50YE Liya
BERG Matthias54-10YE Liya
YE Liya27-37ELETT Wilko
YE Liya37-27SCHMIDT Sebastian
YE Liya45-19HOEHNE Andreas
ELGER Marlis16-48YE Liya
YE Liya21-43SCHAAF Michael
WEBER Gertrud00-64YE Liya
YE Liya32-32PRESS Matthias
2008-03-152008-03-16: EGP Berlin(Germany)
DE GRAAF Corrielost toYE Liya
ZIEBA Grzegorzlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toKAZIMIERCZUK Mariusz
LILLA Kamilwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstMODELLATORE Tonya
ARNOLD Roylost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstSCHMIDT Sebastian
KOBYLINSKI Grzegorzwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toHOBO Roel
VAES Dimitrilost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toBORASSI Michele
YE Liyawon againstKOBYLINSKI Grzegorz
SCHMIDT Sebastianwon againstYE Liya
2007-08-042007-08-05: German championship 2007(Germany)
YE Liyawon againstGAERTNER Joerg
WEBER Gertrudlost toYE Liya
BERG Matthiaslost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toSCHMIDT Sebastian
MEIBOM Arnelost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstQUAZZO Claude
YE Liyawon againstABE Tomoko
MODELLATORE Tonyalost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toELGER Marlis
SOMMER Christianlost toYE Liya
PRESS Matthiaslost toYE Liya
QUAZZO Claudewon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toQUAZZO Claude
2007-03-172007-03-18: Sachsenhof Open(Germany)
YE Liyalost toSCHMIDT Sebastian
MURAWSKI Stefanlost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstQUAZZO Claude
MODELLATORE Tonyalost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstGAERTNER Joerg
BERG Matthiaswon againstYE Liya
ABE Tomokowon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstJAHKE Eckhard
YE Liyawon againstWEBER Gertrud
ELGER Marliswon againstYE Liya
2006-10-062006-10-08: WOC 2006 (Mito)(World)
YE Liya35-29OOI Stanley
CHITRA Yohanes34-30YE Liya
YE Liya32-32ANDRIANI Bintsa
PRASEPTYO Linda27-37YE Liya
KORTENDIJK Albert51-13YE Liya
YE Liya21-43FU Amy
METHI Trond40-24YE Liya
YE Liya14-50YAN Leong Woo
STASTNA Jan23-41YE Liya
VORACEK Miroslav30-34YE Liya
YE Liya22-42ASPENRYD Henry
YE Liya53-11DANEK Martin
KIM Yunsim37-27YE Liya
2006-08-192006-08-20: Championnat d'Allemagne 2006(Germany)
YE Liyalost toQUAZZO Claude
JAHKE Eckhardlost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstABE Tomoko
PRESS Matthiaslost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toBERG Matthias
SOMMER Christianlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toSCHMIDT Sebastian
ZIMMERMANN Franklost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstSCHMIDT Sebastian
2005-09-24: Tournoi de Guangzhou(China)
TSOI Chun Yipwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toZHOU Chao
GONG Jingshilost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstLI Zibin
FU Velmawon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toQIN Jingmin
XIE Weiweilost toYE Liya
2005-03-262005-03-27: EGP Bussum(Netherlands)
YE Liyawon againstVAN HEERE Mark
YE Liyalost toTASTET Marc
VAN DEN BIGGELAAR Nickywon againstYE Liya
VERWEIJ Samanthalost toYE Liya
HOETJES Timlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toKAMPHUIS Leon
VAN VLIET Andrewon againstYE Liya
TOMEI Robinlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toANDRIANI Bintsa
YE Liyalost toDE GRAAF Jan C.
VAN GIMST Ruudlost toYE Liya
2005-03-12: Open de Cologne(Germany)
HOEHNE Andreaswon againstYE Liya
BERG Matthiaswon againstYE Liya
MALACHEWITZ Dirkwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstVITOUCH Anatol
YE Liyawon againstSCHOLZ Jakob
YE Liyawon againstREININGHAUS Martin
2004-11-132004-11-15: WOC 2004 (London)(World)
HOEHNE Andreas40-24YE Liya
YE Liya53-11HAUGLAND Jan Kristian
HANDEL Michael46-18YE Liya
KOPPINEN Jussi47-17YE Liya
YE Liya48-16CHUNG Jihoon
KRACZYK Roman52-12YE Liya
YE Liya34-30DOUDA Tomas
YE Liya06-58BOE Alexander
ANDRIANI Bintsa51-13YE Liya
YE Liya15-49BRAUN Holger
YE Liya52-12DANTAS Daniel
BERG Robert42-22YE Liya
BOARDMAN Lisa25-39YE Liya
2004-09-18: Championnat d'Allemagne(Germany)
BRAUN Holgerwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toHOEHNE Andreas
KINDSCHER Nicolelost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toBERG Matthias
MURAWSKI Stefanlost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstRADDATZ Ernst-Christian
2003-10-302003-11-01: WOC 2003 (Stockholm)(World)
VORACEK Miroslav26-38YE Liya
YE Liya34-30SILVOLA Andrea
WILLIAMS Eddie21-43YE Liya
YE Liya30-34HAUGLAND Jan Kristian
GOTO Hiroshi39-25YE Liya
YE Liya20-44BARNABA Donato
SHAMAN David39-25YE Liya
YE Liya39-25BERNER Johan
YE Liya26-38HALLBERG Marcus
ENG Tintin33-31YE Liya
YE Liya42-22ANDRIANI Bintsa
HOBO Roel39-25YE Liya
YE Liya39-25ROGOSZ Magdalena
2003-09-28: Zonhoven - Championnat de Belgique(Belgium)
YE Liyawon againstSEITS Roy
BERNER Johanwon againstYE Liya
HOBO Roelwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyalost toVAN HEERE Mark
VAES Dimitrilost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toTOMEI Robin
ACHTEN Hendrikwon againstYE Liya
2003-09-21: 5th Open Dutch Othello Championships(Netherlands)
VAN DER WAGT Janlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toVERHEIJ Danny
HOETJES Timlost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstRUTTE Huub
KORTENDIJK Albertwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstDIEPENMAAT Jeroen
ROKVEN Daniellost toYE Liya
2003-04-06: 15th Dutch Othello Open(Netherlands)
YE Liyawon againstWOUTERS Roger
MEIJER Arnoudwon againstYE Liya
VAN WINKEL Suzannelost toYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstRUTTE Huub
VAN DER WAGT Janlost toYE Liya
YE Liyalost toHOBO Roel
AUBROECK Patrickwon againstYE Liya
2003-01-26: 1st Guangzhou Open(China)
YE Liyawon againstQIN Shaobin
LI Man Mingwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstYIBU Manren
LI Zibinwon againstYE Liya
YE Liyawon againstCHEN Dengbin
SHUI Yibinwon againstYE Liya