

20 tournaments
203 results
Player ID: 498
Rated 8 in USA and 14 in North&South America and T556 in the World
Latest rating: 1853
2023-07-19: North American Championship 2023(Canada)
JOHNSON Greg44-20CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie33-31CARRERA Galo
BEN-DAYAN Abraham31-33CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie43-21MANN David
FU Jacky54-10CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie16-48JOHNSON Greg
CARRERA Galo29-35CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie43-21BEN-DAYAN Abraham
MANN David16-48CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie37-27FU Jacky
1997-12-06: Cambridge Christmas/friendly(Great-Britain)
HAUGLAND Jan Kristianwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CARPENTER Adelaidewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
SUMMERS Davidwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
ARNOLD Roywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstLEADER Imre
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1997-02-151997-02-16: EGP Cambridge(Great-Britain)
BOE Alexanderwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toNICOLET Stephane
HAIGH Davidwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toCORDY Alexandre
ARNOLD Roylost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toTURNER Ian
ROBIN Francoiswon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstANDRIANI Bintsa
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBARRASS Iain
CAGLEY Leslielost toMARSON Phil
1996-08-311996-09-01: EGP Paris(France)
LIANG Yiwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toBAILLET Vincent
ARNOLD Roylost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toMOREL Gerard
ANDRIANI Sandrywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toCASPARD Emmanuel
SCHERNO Dominiquelost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstROBIN Francois
DE GREY Aubreylost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toVECCHI Elisabetta
1996-07-271996-07-28: EGP Brussels(Belgium)
CAGLEY Leslielost toBARNABA Donato
CAGLEY Leslielost toSHAMAN David
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toDAIX Alain
HERBEUVAL Olivierlost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstLECAT Renaud
CORDY Alexandrelost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toROMANO Benedetto
DOHOGNE Yveslost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toBRIGHTWELL Graham
1996-06-151996-06-16: Prequalificatif de Strasbourg(France)
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstMONNOM Olivier
MASSIRE Christianwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
VIVIANI Albertowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toCORDY Alexandre
VAN NUVEL Jean-Michellost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstHERBEUVAL Olivier
LANUIT Christophelost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toJOHNSON Greg
FREYSS Joelwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstLECAT Renaud
JULIEN Sergelost toCAGLEY Leslie
1996-02-101996-02-11: EGP Cambridge(Great-Britain)
ARNOLD Roywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toMARSON Phil
CAGLEY Leslielost toCASPARD Emmanuel
ABE Hiroyukiwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
HAUGLAND Jan Kristianwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toJOHNSON Greg
BARRASS Iainwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toPENLOUP Dominique
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstDE GREY Aubrey
1995-08-261995-08-27: EGP Paris(France)
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstHASEGAWA Hideko
BRIGHTWELL Grahamwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toDE GREY Aubrey
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toFEINSTEIN Joel
MASSIRE Christianlost toCAGLEY Leslie
KIKUCHI Junichiwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstVECCHI Elisabetta
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstALARD Serge
ANDRIANI Sandrywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1995-07-221995-07-23: EGP Brussels(Belgium)
BRIGHTWELL Grahamwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CORDY Alexandrewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
ANDRIANI Bintsawon againstCAGLEY Leslie
PENLOUP Dominiquewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstFELDBORG Karsten
TASTET Marcwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CASPARD Emmanuelwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
ALARD Sergewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstPLOWMAN Guy
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1995-03-251995-03-26: Prequalificatif de Strasbourg(France)
MASSIRE Christianlost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toLAZARD Emmanuel
CAGLEY Leslielost toANDRIANI Bintsa
SCHERNO Dominiquelost toCAGLEY Leslie
BOURRACHOT Alexandrewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstMOREL Gerard
CASPARD Emmanuelwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstROBIN Francois
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CORDY Alexandre32-32CAGLEY Leslie
1994-08-271994-08-28: EGP Paris(France)
THILL Olivierwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toANDRIANI Bintsa
CAGLEY Leslielost toCALI Elie
DI MEGLIO Fabricelost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toHORIUCHI Keiko
KITAJIMA Masatowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstTAKEDA Kyoko
DE LA BOISSERIE Brunowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toALDEBERT Marc
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBERTRAM Henry
MAEDA Kohichiwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1994-07-301994-07-31: EGP Brussels(Belgium)
PIAU Didierwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toALARD Serge
TASTET Marcwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toANDRIANI Bintsa
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstDAIX Alain
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
RIGNELL Danielwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toVALLUND Henrik
CAGLEY Leslielost toBARRASS Iain
CORDY Alexandrewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1994-05-211994-05-22: EGP Rome(Italy)
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstVENERITO Marco
MARCONI Francescowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie32-32SPERANDIO Damiano
LUND Erikwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
COLLAY Fredericwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstLAMIA Salvatore
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CASTALDO Mauriziowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstPFISTER Valerio
TRAMMA Riccardowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstVOICU Andres
1994-04-231994-04-24: EGP Copenhagen(Denmark)
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstFELDBORG Karsten
VALLUND Henrikwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
LUND Erikwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstPENLOUP Dominique
SHAMAN Davidwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstNIELSEN Erik
TASTET Marcwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
VALLUND Torbenwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1994-03-121994-03-13: Prequalificatif de Strasbourg(France)
LANUIT Christophewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstDI MEGLIO Fabrice
CAGLEY Leslielost toCASPARD Emmanuel
SCHMITTBUHL Arnaudlost toCAGLEY Leslie
PATROIS Nicolaslost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toANDRIANI Bintsa
GEORGES Claudelost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toJOHNSON Greg
LAZARD Emmanuelwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBETIN Dominique
ROBIN Francoiswon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1993-08-281993-08-29: EGP Paris(France)
CAGLEY Leslielost toWASER Stephan
GUILLEN Elena32-32CAGLEY Leslie
COULON Francoiswon againstCAGLEY Leslie
SELBY Matthewlost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toCORDY Alexandre
DE LA ROUSSIERE Louis-Henrylost toCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBETIN Dominique
ALARD Sergewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslielost toVALLUND Torben
TAKEDA Hajimewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1993-07-311993-08-01: EGP Brussels EGP(Belgium)
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstDAIX Alain
SHAMAN Davidwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBETIN Dominique
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstCOLLAY Sophie
TASTET Marcwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
PENLOUP Dominiquewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstANDRIANI Bintsa
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstJOHNSON Greg
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstTURNER Ian
LEADER Imrewon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1993-05-01: Open de Strasbourg(France)
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
ROUXEL Christianwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBOURRACHOT Alexandre
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstBOUVERESSE Angelique
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstPATROIS Nicolas
1992-02-131992-02-14: EGP Cambridge(Great-Britain)
CHOISNARD Patrickwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstALARD Serge
MARSON Philwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
EDMEAD Garrywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
SHAMAN Davidwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
JOHNSON Gregwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
DE LA BOISSERIE Brunowon againstCAGLEY Leslie
DE GREY Aubreywon againstCAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Lesliewon againstARNOLD Roy
SELBY Matthewwon againstCAGLEY Leslie
1991-11-081991-11-10: WOC 1991 (New-York)(World)
HANDEL Michael48-16CAGLEY Leslie
JOHNSON Greg28-36CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie25-39JUHEM Philippe
CAGLEY Leslie44-20OHYANAGI Masaki
CAGLEY Leslie27-37VERRILL Helena
ANDRIANI Bintsa36-28CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie13-51ALARD Serge
YASUI Tsugo43-21CAGLEY Leslie
CAGLEY Leslie26-38BRUSCA Augusto
CAGLEY Leslie18-46PRIME Tim
ENGLUND Johan31-33CAGLEY Leslie