
WONG Alex (Australia)

5 tournaments
31 results
Player ID: 4114
Rated 5 in Australia and T459 in Asia&Oceania&Africa and T565 in the World
Latest rating: 1846
WOF online rating: 1718, view profile on Vint.ee
2024-07-042024-07-06: Asia Pacific Othello Championship(Australia)
WONG Alex09-55NANASE Yuuma
TSERENTUNDEV Baldandagva10-54WONG Alex
WONG Alex13-51LEONG Chee Kit
BORG Lachlan10-54WONG Alex
WONG Alex28-36KURNIAWAN Samuel Henry
WONG Alex51-13WU Renhong
MILANKOV Samuel26-38WONG Alex
WUTONG Ren18-46WONG Alex
WONG Alex04-60URANO Kento
WIRAWAN Daniel23-41WONG Alex
2021-06-05: Sydney Open 2021(Australia)
ABREU Dominic24-40WONG Alex
WILLIAM Joanna47-17WONG Alex
WONG Alex43-21CAIRNS Phil
WONG Alex13-51HUGHES Scott
LI Simon15-49WONG Alex
2018-10-06: Australian Nationals 2018(Australia)
CAIRNS Phil21-43WONG Alex
WONG Alex11-53LEFEBVRE Thierry
WILLIAM Joanna50-14WONG Alex
WONG Alex44-20LI Simon
GUIBAL Fab16-48WONG Alex
2011-10-15: Australian Nationals(Australia)
TOBIAS Nicholas43-21WONG Alex
WONG Alex59-05HASHIMOTO Shizuko
WONG Alex40-24HUBBARD Paul
MUNCH Marlena07-57WONG Alex
WONG Alex06-58VINAR Matt
2006-07-30: Championnat d'Australie 2006(Australia)
HUBBARD Paulwon againstWONG Alex
WONG Alexwon againstPAN Jing
WONG Alexwon againstFU Amy
VINAR Mattwon againstWONG Alex
WONG Alexwon againstHUGHES Scott