KRZYWONOS Tim (Canada)
21 tournaments
216 results
Player ID: 4002
Rated 2 in Canada and 7 in North&South America and T361 in the World
Latest rating: 1986
WOF online rating: 1985, view profile on Vint.ee
216 results
Player ID: 4002
Rated 2 in Canada and 7 in North&South America and T361 in the World
Latest rating: 1986
WOF online rating: 1985, view profile on Vint.ee
2024-07-21: Canadian Othello Championship(Canada)
FU Jacky | 17-47 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 64-00 | AUSTIN Chan |
RAY Chan | 08-56 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 64-00 | OSMOND Hui |
MA Derek | 23-41 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 31-33 | FU Jacky |
AUSTIN Chan | 21-43 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 60-04 | RAY Chan |
OSMOND Hui | 02-62 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 28-36 | MA Derek |
2019-04-28: Canadian championship 2018(Canada)
AYDIN Emel | 00-64 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 53-11 | CORIO Marc |
BISHOP Robert | 20-44 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 28-36 | MORENO Borja |
OKAN Salih | 02-62 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 33-31 | FU Jacky |
MORENO Borja | 34-30 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
2018-06-03: Canadian championship 2018(Canada)
FU Jacky | 26-38 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
HIGGINS Matthew | 02-62 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 64-00 | YE Steven |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 59-05 | KRISHNA G. V. Sai |
CORIO Marc | 42-22 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 42-22 | FU Jacky |
2017-04-23: 2017 Canadian Championship(Canada)
FU Jacky | 48-16 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 36-28 | HAI Jerry |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 58-06 | BISHOP Robert |
CHITRA Yohanes | 32-32 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 55-09 | ROCKWELL David |
CORIO Marc | 21-43 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
2011-11-03 → 2011-11-05: WOC 2011 (New-York)(World)
2011-09-11: Canadian championship(Canada)
AUBROECK Patrick | 44-20 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 41-23 | YANG Kelvin |
ODEGARD Martin | 18-46 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 41-23 | SKOGEN Tor Birger |
TANIDA Kunihiko | 37-27 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 33-31 | HUGHES Scott |
JUIGNER Arthur | 26-38 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 40-24 | HURAPHAN Wachiraphan |
NOBUKAWA Hiroki | 24-40 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 23-41 | AUNCHULEE Rujipas |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 21-43 | OKAMOTO Kazuki |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 47-17 | VINAR Matt |
MROUEH Adham | 08-55 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 49-15 | MROUEH Adham |
2010-07-31: Canadian championship(Canada)
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CARRERA Galo |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | LAU Chris |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | MROUEH Adham |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CHEUNG Denise |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CHOW Kelvin |
2006-06-11: Championnat du Canada(Canada)
KRZYWONOS Tim | 32-32 | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | LEUNG David |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | KATZMAN Sharon |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 32-32 | SHEN Stan |
WILLIAMS Eddie | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CORIO Marc |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CORIO Marc |
2005-08-13 → 2005-08-14: US National Championship 2005(USA)
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | YIU Edmund |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CHOI Annie |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SY Steven |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CHITRA Yohanes |
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | WILLIAMS Eddie |
SEELEY Ben | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | BISHOP Robert |
2004-08-22: 2004 Canadian Championship(Canada)
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SHEN Stan |
WILLIAMS Eddie | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | MA Derek |
CORIO Marc | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | HORNER Rusty |
SY Steven | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
FU Jacky | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FU Jacky |
FU Jacky | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
2003-10-30 → 2003-11-01: WOC 2003 (Stockholm)(World)
2003-08-23 → 2003-08-24: Canadian championship(Canada)
2003-08-09 → 2003-08-10: US Nationals(USA)
MONNOM Olivier | 19-45 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 43-21 | BRAUN Holger |
KWON Younghwa | 14-50 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 22-42 | HOEHNE Andreas |
YIU Edmund | 25-39 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
MAKKONEN Olli | 23-41 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 47-17 | HAUGLAND Jan Kristian |
SEELEY Ben | 54-10 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 18-46 | SUEKUNI Makoto |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 28-36 | WILLIAMS Eddie |
SILVOLA Andrea | 30-34 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
VAN TILBURG Daan | 16-48 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 50-14 | CORIO Marc |
FANG Randy | 35-29 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 38-26 | HORNER Rusty |
FU Jacky | 40-24 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 36-28 | SHEN Stan |
SEELEY Ben | 36-28 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 48-16 | WILLIAMS Eddie |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 39-25 | BACK Larry |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 38-26 | BACK Larry |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 41-23 | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 41-23 | CORIO Marc |
BACK Larry | 33-31 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 39-25 | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 36-28 | CORIO Marc |
SEELEY Ben | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | WILLIAMS Eddie |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | HORNER Rusty |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | HOVERSTOCK Krystle |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SY Steven |
FANG Randy | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
FANG Randy | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FANG Randy |
SEELEY Ben | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SEELEY Ben |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | WILLIAMS Eddie |
WILLIAMS Eddie | lost to | KRZYWONOS Tim |
2002-11-07 → 2002-11-09: WOC 2002 (Amsterdam)(World)
2002-08-10 → 2002-08-11: US National Championship(USA)
SHIFMAN Ilya | 12-52 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 23-41 | KITAJIMA Hideki |
VALLUND Henrik | 29-35 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
QVIST JESSEN Claus | 12-52 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 33-31 | ROMANO Benedetto |
TASTET Marc | 38-26 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 17-47 | KOMANO Tatsuya |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 25-39 | HOEHNE Andreas |
ENG Tintin | 14-50 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 37-27 | CORDY Alexandre |
KORTENDIJK Albert | 20-44 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 21-43 | CASPARD Emmanuel |
KINOSHITA Hisako | 23-41 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 39-25 | FANG Randy |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 35-29 | LEE Patrick |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 40-24 | ROSE Brian |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 40-24 | MATREYEK Ryan |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 46-18 | DIAMOND Judith |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 35-29 | WILLIAMS Eddie |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 34-30 | THOMPSON Greg |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 37-27 | ROSE Brian |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 23-41 | ROSE Brian |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 45-19 | LEE Patrick |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 35-29 | LEE Patrick |
2001-11-08 → 2001-11-10: WOC 2001 (New-York)(World)
ROSE Brian | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 32-32 | MENOZZI Giuseppe |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FU Jacky |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SEELEY Ben |
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | GOTO Hiroshi |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | HANSSON Ola |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | HUBBARD Geoff |
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | FELDBORG Karsten |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SHIFMAN Ilya |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CORDY Alexandre |
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | SAKAGUCHI Kazuhiro |
KRZYWONOS Tim | lost to | KASHIWABARA Takuji |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | NICOLET Stephane |
2000-11-02 → 2000-11-04: WOC 2000 (Copenhagen)(World)
2000-08-26 → 2000-08-27: Tournoi des Olympiades(Great-Britain)
KRZYWONOS Tim | 38-26 | OLIVARES Daniel |
SAKAGUCHI Kazuhiro | 31-33 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 31-33 | MURAKAMI Takeshi |
CORDY Alexandre | 28-36 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 33-31 | TASTET Marc |
LEADER Imre | 33-31 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 56-08 | SILVOLA Andrea |
BARNABA Donato | 29-35 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 29-35 | ROSE Brian |
NICOLET Stephane | 43-21 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 42-22 | FELDBORG Karsten |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 42-22 | SCHREIBER Raphael |
MINE Tatsuya | 30-34 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 45-19 | SHIFMAN Benyamin |
ROSE Brian | 38-26 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 21-43 | ROSE Brian |
NICOLET Stephane | 36-28 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | DAS Jeremy |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | NICOLET Stephane |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | STASTNA Jan |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | CORIO Marc |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | KIM Kwansoo |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | TASTET Marc |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | TURNER Ian |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FURUSAKI Yoko |
SUEKUNI Makoto | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | MARSON Phil |
HUBBARD Geoff | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | TESINSKY Jakub |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | BRIGHTWELL Graham |
SUEKUNI Makoto | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
SUEKUNI Makoto | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
1999-08-23 → 1999-08-26: Deuxieme tournoi Olympiades MSO2(Great-Britain)
1999-08-21 → 1999-08-22: Premier tournoi Olympiades MSO1(Great-Britain)
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | FRENDO Brett |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | TURNER Ian |
TASTET Marc | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
MIYAOKA Tamaki | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SHIFMAN Leonid |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | NICOLET Stephane |
SUEKUNI Makoto | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | PRIDMORE Ben |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | SHIFMAN Benyamin |
TOMINAGA Kenta | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | LUTTON Josiah |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | TURNER Ian |
TASTET Marc | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
NICOLET Stephane | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | KALFINOV Zdravko |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | VORACEK Miroslav |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | ANDERSSON Goran |
LEADER Imre | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
SUEKUNI Makoto | won against | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | won against | ARNOLD Roy |
1998-11-05 → 1998-11-07: WOC 1998 (Barcelona)(World)
KRZYWONOS Tim | 50-14 | HAGLUND Harri |
SANO Yoko | 22-42 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 18-46 | PENLOUP Dominique |
ORTIZ George | 25-39 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 17-47 | ANDRIANI Bintsa |
YAMADA Toru | 41-23 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 47-17 | POYSTI Markku |
MAK Wai Tung | 38-26 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 28-36 | STANZIONE Pierluigi |
DE GREY Aubrey | 28-36 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 29-35 | HAUGLAND Jan Kristian |
LECAT Renaud | 17-47 | KRZYWONOS Tim |
KRZYWONOS Tim | 42-22 | SHIFMAN Leonid |