
JENSEN Jeppe (Denmark)

3 tournaments
20 results
Player ID: 220054
Rated 17 in Denmark and 282 in Europe and 1151 in the World
Latest rating: 1161
2024-06-15: Greve Cup(Denmark)
BADSTED Pallewon againstJENSEN Jeppe
AAGAARD-HANSEN Jenswon againstJENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppewon againstNIELSEN Alberte Josefine
FELDBORG Karstenwon againstJENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppewon againstKISTRUP Marianne
JENSEN Jeppewon againstMUNK Sofie Vehn
2023-06-17: Greve Cup(Denmark)
LARSEN Caspar Paghwon againstJENSEN Jeppe
HOEGH Danielwon againstJENSEN Jeppe
NIELSEN Alberte Josefinewon againstJENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppewon againstSNEDE Viktor Emil
JENSEN Jeppewon againstSNARSKA Gabriella
2023-05-12: Danish Junior Nationals(Denmark)
MUNK Sofie Vehn05-59JENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppe56-08SONDERKAER Holger Lykke
SNEDE Viktor Emil31-33JENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppe19-45ULVEDAL JENSEN Elisabeth Caohuimin
SNARSKA Gabriella14-50JENSEN Jeppe
JENSEN Jeppe34-30PAULSEN Lucca Moe
JENSEN Jeppe40-24EGEBERG Vilfred Roat
JENSEN Jeppe24-40ULVEDAL JENSEN Elisabeth Caohuimin