Othello news
Wroclaw EGP - Tourney report
16 April 2024Written by Ewa Kujawa

Last weekend Wroclaw hosted the first EGP tournament of this year. Only 15 players participated but not the number was important. Those who came earlier had time to visit the center and other parts of the city on foot and by bike. Mixing English, French and German was a very inspiring experience. There was everything needed for fun - nice weather, friendly people, new food to taste and of course a lot of Othello games.
High level was guaranteed by Marc Tastet and Takuji Kashiwabara representing France and top Polish players who used to play very well some time ago but haven't participated in the last WOC and EOC.
Most of the games were available at real time at liveothello.com, so everybody could follow the spectacular win of Michal Buka against Marc Tastet in the last round. It changed everything on the score board. In the finals Dominik Nowak defeated Takuji Kashiwabara in three very tough games and the second Polish player in top four - Pawel Peczkowski lost against Marc Tastet, who had to be satisfied with bronze medal this time. I will leave the analysis of Dominik's style of playing to more experienced players, I just noticed, that he was always playing in standing position - maybe this was the key of his success? ;-)
Hopefully the next time there will be more players, but 15 can be our lucky number for now. A statuette of two dwarfs for the winner was a nice excuse to learn something about history of Wroclaw - "city of dwarfs" and last weekend it could have been called "city of Othello" as well.
Ewa Kujawa (watching through pink glasses of the organizer)