Othello news
Jacky Fu the first North American Champion!
18 July 2023Written by Othello News

On behalf of the Canadian Othello Association (COA), and the North America Othello Confederation (NAOC), I wish to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Leslie Cagley and Greg Johnson for generously hosting our annual COA national tournament of 2023 and the first NAOC tournament this past weekend in Victoria, British Columbia. They not only proved to be very strong players (with a long history in the game) but also very friendly and generous hosts.
We had hoped for ten players already registered but only six showed up, 4 from Canada (British Columbia (2), Ontario (1), and Nova Scotia(1)), and 2 from the USA (California (1) and New York (1)). We played two sets of round robin with each colour, i.e., 10 games in total for each player. It was a tough tournament and a lot of fun with many exciting games. The 20 minute game clock was an important player in some games
In addition to Greg Johnsonand Leslie Cagley, we were joined by Abraham Ben-Dayan, David Mann, Jack Fu and myself.
Kevin Ruby could not join us this time but we look forward to welcome him in one of our future tournaments. I thank him for agreeing with us on behalf of the US Othello Association to celebrate the first NAOC tournament in Canada. We will agree with other national associations on the next venue for the tournament to be held on 2024.
Results and scores will be posted by Greg and Leslie here and reported to the World Othello Federation waoc.worldothello.org in due time.
Thanks to all who participated and all those others, including Benkt Steentoft at WOF, who assisted us in divulgation and promotion.
Text from Canadian Othello Association Facebook.