Othello news
Swedish Othello Championship 2021
29 August 2021Written by Othello News

The Swedish Championship 2020 was cancelled. Normaly the Championship is held in June. After many changes, the championship was held the weekend 28th-29th August. It was 18 happy players who met up in Stockholm. The venue was the great school NTI Vetenskapsgymnasiet Stockholm.
Saturday it was 18 players who met up for the 7 rounds qualification day. The four top players go to the Sunday semifinals and finals. The reign Swedish Champion from 2019 was there. Four more Swedish Champions was there, Oskar Eklund, Nils Berner, Daniel Ljunqvist and Marcus Frönmark. The question was; Should one of them or someone else be thw champion 2021. Eight players of the 18 have been top three in Swedish Chammpionship. Noted is that it also was 5 debutants i the championship! It seems as many have started to play games again under the Coovid period. | |
Best Debutant - Hjalmar Rusck. 2,5 weeks ago Hjalmar, 16 yearl old, started to play Othello. The Championship was his first othello tournament. However, Othello he started with almost 3 years ago. he started to build an Othello AI in school. And now it was time to play othello by him selves. In the picture he play against Nils Berner. Nils started to play Othello when he was 12 years old. Nils have won 8 Swedish Championship, and was 4th in WOC 1992. It was five debutants. 1. Hjalmar Rusck, 2. Hannes Paulsson, 3. Anders Sundbaum, 4, matilda Eriksson and 5 Oscar Lennings. |
Nils won this game 51-13, Hjamar won the Debutant class. |
Sunday - tha final day The four player who survived the Saturday qualification rounds was Christian Gårdebrink, Oskar Eklund, Marcus Frönmark and Niklas Wettergren. The 7th round was interesting, Christian and Oskar was both ready for the semifinals, and they mmet each other in round 7. Christian won, and won the qualification tournament. Niklas Wettergren played a game against Daniel Ljunqvist (41-23) there the winner get to Semifinal. Same did Marcus Frönmark against Christoffer Andersson, also 41-23. |
Final match game 3. Niklas Wettergren vs. Marcus Frönmark. Tablereferee is Kim Freiburghaus, Sweden Federation Chairman. |
Semifinals Christian Gårdebrink - Niklas Wettergren 1 - 2 Marcus Frönmark - Oskar Eklund 1 - 2 Third place game Christian Gårdebrink - Oskar Eklund 0 - 1 Swedish Championshop final games Marcus Frönmark - Niklas Wettergren 1 - 2 The games you can see at LiveOthello |
From the left: Oskar Eklund 3rd, Niklas Wettergren The Champion ,Marcus Frönmark, Runner up |
*** SM 2021 ***
Ranking of the 18 players after round 7:
1: 6 pts [481] GARDEBRINK Christian (1505) {SWE}
[475] EKLUND Oskar (150016) {SWE}
3: 5 pts [481] FRONMARK Marcus (1454) {SWE}
[462] WETTERGREN Niklas (150009) {SWE}
5: 4 pts [414] ANDERSSON Christopher (1503) {SWE}
[412] LJUNGQVIST Daniel (1511) {SWE}
[411] TURUNEN Daniel (1459) {SWE}
[399] INGELMAN-SUNDBERG Simon (1495) {SWE}
[391] BERNER Nils (1302) {SWE}
[358] STEENTOFT Benkt (1301) {SWE}
11: 3 pts [393] FREIBURGHAUS Kim (150060) {SWE}
[368] KJELLBERG Arvid (1599) {SWE}
[323] RUSCK Hjalmar (150078) {SWE} - Best Debutant player
[294] RONN Tommy (150058) {SWE} - Best Open class player
15: 2 pts [275] PAULSSON Hannes (150408) {SWE}
[261] SUNDBAUM Anders (150406) {SWE}
17: 1 pt [239] ERIKSSON Matilda (150061) {SWE}
18: 0 pt [241] LENNINGS Oscar (150079) {SWE}