Othello news
See the 1st Studio Othello - World Othello News
6 July 2021Written by Othello News

13th June the 1st Studio Othello was broadcasted at YouTube and other social media. Studio Othello gave you the latest news from the Othello World. We also broadcasted the final games in the PanAmerican Championship between Jared Platt, USA, vs. Rafael Perez, Argentina. | |
Luke plowman with the latest news from the Othello world. The Othello News will be broadcasted once a month the WOF media tells. Next broadcast is planned to be 18th July. |
Guy Plowman, President of WOF, and Benkt Steentoft, Secretary of WOF, discussed the Othello World, the effect the Covid had for Othello players, coming Othello events, and what will happen in the Othello world in the future. | |
Luke Plowman with guests, Daniel Olivares, Guy Plowman and Matthias Berg, commented the Pan American Chammpionship final between Jared Platt, USA, vs. Rafael Perez, Argentina. |