Othello news
Interview: Momona Kitamura, north Tokyo youth championship winner! 北村桃奈ちゃんにインタビュー
13 November 2018Written by Daniel Turunen

This is an interview with Momona Kitamura, the North Tokyo Youth Championship 2018 champion. Momona qualified for the Japan Youth Championship 2018. A tournament Keisuke Fukuchi won, and he then won the World Championship 2018 in Prague. Momona Kitamura is one of many Othello players with an disabilitie. It make it more difficult to attend to tournaments, practice and for some players also difficult to flip discs. This article is to encourage all players to continue play, try to reach their dreams and goals.
WOF: Hi Momona-san! How old are you? あなたは何歳ですか?
Momona: 12 years old. 12歳です
WOF: When did you first encounter the game Othello? あなたが最初にオセロに出会ったのはいつですか?
Momona: I think it was around senior class in nursery school. Around 6 years old. 保育所の年長組の頃だと思います。
WOF: Does your family also play Othello? あなたの家族もオセロと遊びますか?
Momona: No, my family doesn’t play Othello so much. →今は、家族はオセロをあまりやりません。
WOF: Has Othello changed your life? オセロに出会ってあなたの人生/生活は変わりましたか?
Momona: Yes! My only pleasure was to play with DS because I can hardly move my body because of severely disability. Since I started playing Othello, my life has changed completely and Othello become the core of my life.
WOF: Given your victory, have you inspired other people to try out the game? 桃奈ちゃんの活躍が周りの人に影響を与えたと思いますか?
Momona: I think it is not much of a victory, but I have got attention as the person (Othello player) with disabiltity, and also newspaper and net news wrote about me, and since then Many people have come to talk to me.
WOF: What other hobbies do you have besides playing Othello? オセロ以外にどんな趣味がありますか?
Momona: Reading books, drawing illustrations, eating delicious food! →読書、イラストを描くこと、おいしいものを食べること
WOF: What are your plans going forward? 今後のオセロについてのあなたの目標は何かありますか?
Momona: Now, my current goal is to step up to “3 dan” (It’s an Othello rank in Japan), And In the future, I’m dreaming to win the Lady’s class in the World Othello Championship. →当面の目標は三段昇段。将来の目標は世界選手権女子の部で優勝することです。
WOF: Do you enjoy playing other games? あなたは他のゲームをやっていますか?それは楽しいですか?
Momona: During Othello break, I usually look for, and play, various games from Yahoo Kids.
WOF: Do you have any tips or words of encouragement for people just getting started with Othello?
Momona: Never give up even if you lose the game, It’s important to continue patiently. If you make efforts to the goaldriven by regret, then you will definitely get stronger!
WOF: What advice should you give others who wish to play Othello, and also attend tournaments, but are not sure they can do that because of their disability?
同じようなハンディを持った人に何かアドバイスをお願いします。 それから、オセロをやりたい、大会に参加したいと思っている人に何かアドバイスをお願いします。
Momona: Anyone can play Othello! Even for a disabled person who can’t take a sitting position, who can't move their own arms like me, It’s possible to play Othello with Caregiver(^-^). Also even if it is hard to participate in a tournament, you can play with various people on your tablet or PC at home. with listening to the lecture, and solving the quizz, you can also study Othello at home. And then when I come to achieve my goal, I am very happy!
It is not easy for me to participate in the tournament but that is also the reason why I am so excited when I get to participate! When I participate in the tournament, it is fun, encouraging, and I can meet many people regardless of age and gender. For playing Othello, It’s very important to do your best at each game, and each move. you can become stronger by doing your best, So let 's do our best and not give up at any time (^ - ^)
私が大会に参加することは簡単ではありませんが、だからこそ、参加できる時はとてもわくわくします! 大会に参加すると、年齢や性別を超えて、いろいろ人と知り合うことができて楽しいし、励みになります。 オセロは一戦一戦、一手一手を大事にし、最善を尽くすことで強くなれるので、どんな時でも最後まで勝ちをあきらめず、がんばって行きましょう(^-^)
Interview: Tad Maehata & Daniel Turunen
Kitamura family; from left to right in the family photo: Dad: Masaya Kitamura, Elder brother: Harunari Kitamura, Mom: Miyuki Kitamura, Younger daughter: Momona Kitamura.