
Sweden Othello Federation

Member in World Othello since: 2005
Status: W.O.F. Federation
Contact: Kim Freiburghaus

Svenska Othelloförbundet (SOF) startades 1978.
Vi arrangerar det Svenska Mästerskapet i Othello och andra turneringar årligen. Världsmästerskapen i Othello har arrangerats i Stockholm 1982, 1990, 2003 & 2013. Det Svenska Othellolandslaget fick brons i Lag-VM 2013.
Det Svenska Othelloförbundet arrangerar evenemang i skolor, museum, och festivaler. 
Är du intresserad att spela othello, kontakta oss!

Sweden Othello Federation (SOF) started 1978. Since the start SOF have arranged the Swedish Championship & the Nordic Championship.
SOF arrange the Stockholm EGP since 2003.
The World Othello Championship have been held in Stockholm 1982, 1990, 2003 & 2013. Team Sweden was third in Team WOC. 2013, Stockholm.
Sweden Othello Federation arrange events in schools, museum, pubs, convents.  
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Upcoming tournaments for Sweden